Saturday, March 27, 2010
Dog Update!
I wanted to give a quick update on our dog situation. Our neighbor's grandson really wanted the dog. His dad finally said yes, and the dog was gone! I think that Mark and I had more of a twinge of sadness than the children did. I am very thankful for the way it turned out -- God answered my prayers!
Monday, March 15, 2010
A Dog????
I am not a dog person. I know many people who are dog people, and I am fine with that. I am not a dog hater, I just don't feel very comfortable around them. I have grown to like dogs a little more since moving here. Our neighbors have dogs that think they belong to us during the day while their owners are at work. They have been really good for our children, who have learned a lot about interacting with dogs. Our children have overcome their fear of dogs, and they are enjoying being around them. In fact, it has been like having the best of both worlds -- the children can play with the dogs, and I do not have to take care of them. I have heard some people say something similar about being grandparents!
Well, in the last day or so, another dog has adopted our family. We do not know where it came from, but it thinks it lives here. We think that it might have been abandoned, which apparently happens quite often around here. It is hungry, and it keeps scratching to get in. So, now what do we do?
To Be Continued....
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Stomach Virus, Day 5
Stomach viruses are never fun, especially when lots of children are involved. This particular virus has been more long lasting than most that we have endured. Our whole family has had symptoms, some worse than others. Eli has been hit the hardest and the longest. He started showing symptoms on Wednesday, and is still dealing with it. It has wreaked havoc on his little system. Thankfully, we have been able to keep him hydrated, and he still has some energy left.
We are all ready for this to be done! A secondary virus has set in -- Cabin Fever! So far, I have skipped a lunch play date, a girls' night out, church, and two baby showers. The outlook for tomorrow's homeschool co-op is not good either! It is probably good for us to slow down for a few days, and spend time together at home.
I have kicked the natural cleaners to the curb for a day or two, and the smell of Pine Sol fills the air. I am not sure how many of the germs are gone, but the house smells clean! I needed to blog about this so that I can look back and be thankful for good health, when the last of this virus is gone!
We are all ready for this to be done! A secondary virus has set in -- Cabin Fever! So far, I have skipped a lunch play date, a girls' night out, church, and two baby showers. The outlook for tomorrow's homeschool co-op is not good either! It is probably good for us to slow down for a few days, and spend time together at home.
I have kicked the natural cleaners to the curb for a day or two, and the smell of Pine Sol fills the air. I am not sure how many of the germs are gone, but the house smells clean! I needed to blog about this so that I can look back and be thankful for good health, when the last of this virus is gone!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Queens of the Wood Pile
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Long Winter
The children and I have been reading through the Little House on the Prairie series, and we just finished up The Long Winter. Parts of January and February felt like a very long winter here in Arkansas! We had several snows and lots of freezing temperatures. We had the biggest snow that our children have ever seen at the end of January. Isaac and Bailey had lots of fun playing in it, but the younger three did not stay out too long. We had a couple of more snows after the big one, but the children were no longer impressed. I do not even think they went outside!
Mark and I had to spend a little time thinking through our emergency preparedness. Our area of Arkansas is known for ice storms and losing power. The thought of being without heat for more than a few hours, made me shiver! We bought a propane heater to huddle in front of if the power goes out. Thankfully, we have not had to use it so far. We are considering buying a generator before next winter. We have all enjoyed the warmer weather the last couple of weeks. We are definitely ready for spring!
Life in a Castle
unattended cookies on the floor!
We took a field trip to learn about what life was like in a castle. It was put on by one woman who was very talented. She taught the children about medieval clothing, armor, food, medicines, songs and so much more. The children also got the chance to make paper. The moms were getting a little restless and felt like there was a bit too much sitting and talking and not enough doing. The children, on the other hand, loved it. I think that they had a longer attention spans than the moms!
Eli's First Haircut
Eli, being the fifth child, had his first haircut a little later than some of our other children. He had grown quite a head of curls! It was starting to get in his eyes, so we decided that it was about time for his hair to meet some scissors! It is funny how much older a haircut makes them look!
Back in the Saddle/ Germiness
WOW! It is March, and my last blog post was December and it still says "Christmas" on it! Where does the time go???? I decided to write a quick post just to break the bloggy ice, and try to get back in the swing again!
The last three days have been challenging! A yucky stomach virus (is there any other kind?) has hit our house with a vengeance. I had to call Mark yesterday and ask him to come home from work. Our three littlest ones were all sick at the same time!!!! Isaac and I were hit with yuckiness during the night, and Bailey is under the weather this morning. Mark is our lone holdout! He is at work this morning, and I think that I saw a bit of spring in his step as he left. I think he was happy for a break from all of this germiness. Oh well, this is light and momentary (I keep repeating this to myself!).
The last three days have been challenging! A yucky stomach virus (is there any other kind?) has hit our house with a vengeance. I had to call Mark yesterday and ask him to come home from work. Our three littlest ones were all sick at the same time!!!! Isaac and I were hit with yuckiness during the night, and Bailey is under the weather this morning. Mark is our lone holdout! He is at work this morning, and I think that I saw a bit of spring in his step as he left. I think he was happy for a break from all of this germiness. Oh well, this is light and momentary (I keep repeating this to myself!).
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