Isaac has been taking music classes the past two years, and he participated in his first recital last weekend. To say that he was less than thrilled would be a huge understatement. The thought of getting up in front of a lot of people made him nervous. The teacher then announced that everyone would wear a bandanna and cowboy hat, and his eye rolling intensified. A week later, the class made up a dance that the students and "partners" (mothers) would perform on stage. That sent him over the edge (it just about pushed me over the edge also!). He looked at me in class and said, "I am NOT doing that!" It took a lot of encouragement, prayers and bribery to get him to agree to participate. I was a little nervous that he might back out in the few minutes before the big performance. He did get up on stage, and he did great. We both survived the "Swing your Partner Round and Round" dance, and he performed his solo wonderfully! I was so proud that he stepped way out of his comfort zone and did a great job. As we were walking out, he said, "That was not so bad. When is the next recital?" As a reward, we all went out for Mexican food, and then he and Mark went to see Prince Caspian. It was a great payment for a job well done!
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