Today the children's ministry at our church put on a traditional Christmas play. Isaac was a "singer", Bailey was an angel, and Eli was baby Jesus. Isaac told me weeks ago that I had better make sure that Eli did not fuss (I am a mommy,not a miracle worker!). We had our doubts about Eli staying on stage very long, but he did pretty well. He lasted about ten minutes before I had to rescue Mary from a fussy little man (apparently he did not get the memo about "no crying he makes"). After Eli's departure from the stage, we headed to the nursing room. A few minutes later, Mark knocked on the door to let me know that Isaac had an "issue". He had "lost his breakfast" on the stage. Apparently he had a bad case of stage fright. His tummy was fine the rest of the day, although his pride was quite wounded! I was very glad that I did not get to witness the event, apparently it was not pretty. After Isaac made a quick exit, two other boys followed suit. It was quite a finale! As I was leaving the nursing room, a sweet homeschooling friend said, "Oh, you did not get to see the kid throw up." I said, "Yeah that was my kid..." Another friend called this afternoon to let us know that she got the whole thing on video, so watch for us on America's Funniest Home Video. Isaac and I agreed that the best thing about this Christmas play is that it is over!
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