Tuesday, November 10, 2009

An Action Packed Three Weeks

We have had an "action packed" three weeks. It started a little over three weeks ago when Mark headed to Texas for some training for work. He left on Sunday, and was due to return on Friday afternoon. I have to admit that I hate it when Mark has to travel! We all miss him! It always gives me a renewed respect for single moms, because it is hard to parent alone! We had a pretty good week, and had made it to Thursday night. I put the children to bed, rejoiced that it was my last night of solo bedtime routine, and headed to bed early.

Around 11:00, I heard a blood curdling scream and was across the house before I was even awake. I realized it was Eli and grabbed him out of his bed. I thought that he was having a nightmare, so I tried to wake him up. He stopped screaming, and I realized that he had slipped into a seizure. I was terrified! Olivia had a febrile seizure several years ago, so I cognitively knew what was probably happening, but emotionally, I was a wreck. He had been congested for a few days, but he did not feel like he had a fever. I called Mark (who was nine hours away), and he calmed me down a bit. He called our neighbor, and then got in the car and started the long trip back in the middle of the night with no sleep! I called 911 and my friend Stacy. The first responders were there within about five minutes, and I gave Eli to them and got dressed. His seizure lasted almost fifteen minutes. He was starting to come out of it when the ambulance got there. Our neighbor arrived, and I got into the ambulance. As we were pulling out, I saw Stacy running barefoot across my muddy yard (It is a precious memory of a faithful friend). She had gotten to my house in record time.

We arrived at the emergency room and they put me in the waiting room. Another precious friend, Melissa, came to sit with me. I was so thankful that she was there! They came to get me to try to calm Eli down. He was exhausted and very upset. He had a 102 degree fever, and so they began looking for the source of the infection. They did blood work and a chest x-ray. It ended up that he had an ear infection. The doctor decided to keep Eli over night for observation, and we finally got into a room around 3:00. It took about four attempts to finally get an IV in, and then they started an IV antibiotic. We finally got to rest around 4:00.

Stacy stayed with my children through the night. They had no idea anything had happened until they woke up the next morning. Mark arrived around 9:00. I was so thankful that he made it home safely. He was exhausted! Eli and I were able to come home around 4:00. I put him down for a nap around 5:00 and he slept all night until 6:30 the next morning.

After the terror and exhaustion of the night faded away, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness. I was so thankful that our little man was ok. I was also incredibly thankful that we have only lived here seven months, and God has already given us people that we can call on when we need them. Over the next few days, we had several more people tell us to call them when we need help. I often wish that we could be close to our family, but that does not seem like a possibility right now. God has blessed us so richly with Christian brothers and sisters while we are away from our family. I am so thankful!

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