I am sure that he will love looking back and seeing pictures of himself in pink boots!
"Snow is cold Mommy!"
Mamaw (Mark's mom) was thoughtful enough to schedule over six inches of snow to cover her area just in time for our visit to her house! The children headed out to play as soon as we arrived at her place on December 20. Isaac and Bailey were the biggest snow enthusiasts, spending hours playing in it over the next three days. They especially loved the times that their Daddy joined them! Olivia enjoyed it initially, and then spent most of her time inside. Anna Grace ventured out once, and then decided it was "too freezing", and that was enough for her. Eli liked it in short spurts, and then toddled for the door. I think that I spent more time getting the younger three ready to go out in the snow than they spent actually playing in it. Despite the mixed reviews from our children, I am really thankful for the snow. It was beautiful, and snow right before Christmas really helps add to the excitement!
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