Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Every Boy Needs...


Eli loves shoes! He is going through a phase now where he walks around the house wearing everyone else's shoes! He especially loves to wear his sibling's boots. Since 75% of his siblings are girls, the boots he wears are usually pink. I decided it was time to buy him his very own pair. I was shopping at Target today (which is a luxury now that I live over an hour away from the closest Target, but I digress...), and I found a cute pair. I tried them on his feet to see if they would work, and he loved them! He did not want to take them off. Thankfully they fit, and he has been proudly showing them off all day. He loves the fact that he can put them on all by himself. He does not quite have the concept of which feet are the right feet, but that does not bother him one bit. Good-bye pink boots!

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