Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Olivia's "Pretend" Birthday

Olivia's "Real" Birthday is May 15, but we celebrated her "Pretend" birthday with friends yesterday. In honor of our new feline friend, Olivia chose a cat themed birthday party. Our birthday parties tend to be laid back affairs, with lots of food, friends and playtime, and this one was no exception. We had thirty-six people, which included about a hundred children (That may not seem mathematically possible, but if you were here, you understand!). The menu consisted of p,b & j sandwiches, various chips and dip, carrots, homemade bread and cupcakes. Olivia was thrilled with the presents she received, and she loved being the center of attention! I am thankful for our sweet birthday girl and all of the friends that made her celebration special!

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