Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Washington D.C. Adventure, Day 4

Day four was my favorite day in D.C.  I think it was partly because we had a more realistic agenda, and partly because I love American history!  We spent the first part of the day exploring the Smithsonian Museum of American History.  It is a fantastic museum!

 Camping equipment has come a long ways since George Washington's time!

The girls loved the First Ladies Exhibit.  They had a great time looking at the fashions throughout the years.  They each picked out their favorite and least favorite dresses.
 Anna Grace liked Laura Bush's dress.
 Olivia was not impressed with the dress behind her!
 Bailey chose Michelle Obama's dress as her favorite.
 Ms. Piggy is a rock star around our house!
 We finally found Lincoln's hat for our scavenger hunt!
 Watch our for that bus!

Eli Lincoln

We had a 4:00 appointment to tour Ford's theater and the Peterson House, so we headed there after late in the afternoon.  It was a great follow up to our tour of the American History Museum.

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