Sunday, December 2, 2007


Here are a few quotes I have heard around our house lately...

"Are you going to marry Daddy?" --whispered to me in a giggly voice by Olivia.

"Will you read my Bible to me?" --Bailey

"I can't hear the TV Mommy!" --Olivia, when I was trying to impress her by singing along with the songs from Beauty and the Beast

"Clubhouse!" -- Anna Grace (her word for Mickey Mouse)

"I have a headache of church. We go there everyday!" --Olivia when we went back for Bible study on Sunday night.

"Daddy, did you know that bread grows hair if we keep it too long?" -- Bailey

When I asked Olivia what kind of cereal she wanted for breakfast, she said, "A Lot!"

"Remember a long time ago, when I threw a fit at Kathleen's house?" --Olivia, the morning after she threw the fit. Yes, we remember!

"Get up Mamma!" -- Anna Grace as she was dragging me away from the computer to read her a book.

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