Saturday, October 1, 2011

Civil War Reenactment

We headed to Piggott, Arkansas to attend a Civil War Reenactment last weekend. We are studying the Civil War this semester, which works out well because it is the 150 anniversary of the beginning of the war.

Bailey wore her prairie dress, Isaac dressed as a Union soldier, and the rest of us went at ourselves! It took us almost three hours to get there, but we ended up having a really good time.

The girls got to attend a Civil War era tea. The two ladies who served the tea were excellent! They taught them all about the tea etiquette of that time period and about different kinds of tea. I was really proud that they behaved like ladies!

The boys had a great time pretending to have battles and then watching the real pretend battle. This was a very small reenactment, but we really enjoyed it. We would like to attend more in the future!

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