Friday, January 4, 2008

Working like a mad woman!

This has been my work around the house week. For some reason, I have been obsessed! We are not doing school this week (winter break!!), so I decided that I wanted to get a lot of little projects around the house accomplished. I started the week by unpacking from Christmas and putting away all of our Christmas gifts and decorations. I moved on to cleaning on my closet (still a work in progress) and hanging pictures. Yesterday I cleaned out the garage. We have been planning on buying a freezer, so I am hoping to buy it this weekend as a reward for a clean garage! I think that we can fit both vehicles in now, which is something we never achieved in our old house. We will see how long it lasts!

Today I painted Olivia and Anna Grace's room. When Mark and I went on our house hunting trip, Olivia told me she wanted a house with a big purple room for her. I have been promising to paint her room since we moved in. She has been telling everyone at church that I am going to do it, so I decided that it was about time that I made good on my promise. The children were very patient with me today (they watched a lot of television!). I was able to put a coat of purple primer on the walls before lunch and then paint during quiet time. It is a very light shade of purple, and it almost looks like pink (don't tell Olivia!). I quit after one coat of paint. I know it could use another coat, but I just don't have it in me to think about that right now!

Our French doors were installed this week --- yippee! Our guest room/office (also known as a formal living room) now has a little more privacy. We are ready for all of our friends to come visit now (shameless hinting!).

I have made a "little" husband to do list for Mark. Most of it involves drilling, which is a skill I have not acquired yet (much to Mark's relief). I am hoping he will have time to do a few items on the list this weekend.

We had an Ethernet connection put in behind our television today (thanks for the suggestion Jimmy!). Mark's tivo is officially up and running. He is a happy man!

We are going to start school again on Monday, so I will be back to just doing "normal" housework. My next big project, painting the guest room, will have to wait a few weeks. I am going to try to get everything clean this weekend (the house seems to fall apart when I am working on a project). I can focus so much better in a clean house!

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