Thursday, May 8, 2008

Head to the Laundry Room!

Hurricanes were the big weather news in Louisiana during the time that we lived there, and here in Alabama it is tornadoes. We have heard the tornado sirens twice during the six months that we have been here, once in the middle of the night and once during nap time. It was a scary thing to get the children out of their beds at 3:00 AM and drag them to the laundry room, while hearing that "funnel activity" was seen not too far from our house.

These experiences have made a big impact on our two older children, especially Isaac. His standard question every night is, "Any storms tonight Mom?" Checking the weather has become part of our nightly routine. He has asked numerous times if we could move to an area that does not have tornadoes. We ate lunch out yesterday, and Isaac overheard some ladies talking about the possibilities of severe weather today. Apparently, the conditions are just right for strong thunderstorms, hail and potential tornadoes. So, my little worrier has been working overtime. I suspect that he will stay on high alert today.

I am praying that God will help me to teach all of my children to pray and be informed and prepared when life's tornadoes come our way, but not to live in fear and worry. That is a hard lesson to learn!

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