Saturday, September 20, 2008

You Look Beautiful!

I have been blessed with five pregnancies, and I have received quite a variety of comments throughout those forty-five months (give or take a few weeks). Many of them have been very encouraging, many of them have been amusing, and a few have been downright rude. Thankfully, most of the comments do not bother me, in fact, I usually find them a bit humerous. I thought I would share a few of my top pregnancy comments.

The comments begin as soon as the pregnancy is announced. We have heard more than our share of "Don't you know what causes that?" and "Bless your heart." I have also heard, "You are going to have your hands full!" many times. Then it subsides for a while, until I "blossom" to full pregnancy size (unfortunately, that happens to me a few months earlier than most women!). Then the remarks begin to pour in!

This pregnancy, it started towards the end of July. I walked into a gas station and the sweet attendant said, "Wow, you must be due any day!" I smiled and walked out, not explaining that, actually, I had ninety days until my due date. I have had numerous people tell me that there is no way I will make it until October 30. I have been asked several times if I am having twins. Someone else asked if I should be out. I have been told that I have "dropped" more times than I can count. When I was pregnant with Isaac, a fellow teacher told me that my pregnancy was starting to show in my face!

One thing that has amazed me about pregnancy comments, is that they almost always come from women. Men seem to know better. I suppose the women in their life have given them pointers. I have noticed that many men simply ask (with sincere concern), "How are you feeling?"

The comments do not always end with birth. A couple of weeks after Olivia was born, a lady patted my stomach and said, "It looks like she left some behind" and then smiled.

Pregnancy is an exciting time, and I do not mind talking about it. I have decided, though, that the very best thing to tell a pregnant woman is simply, "You look beautiful!"

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Hey Kim! I check in here every now and then to catch up with you guys. I still remember that chubby little curly headed Isaac, I can't believe it's time for #5! I'll keep checking back looking for sweet new baby pictures! We wish you the best and will say a prayer for a quick safe delivery and healthy baby!