Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Home Again!

Five VERY tired children (and way too much stuff) on our way home!

We travelled home from East Tennessee yesterday, following a visit with our family. We spent lots of time visiting, eating, taking pictures, chasing Eli, and just spending time with people we love. It was truly a blessing! I am going to write about some of the highlights of the last month or so over the next few days, but for now I am enjoying the prospect of getting back to "normal". The time from Thanksgiving to Christmas was filled with special family traditions, parties with friends, yummy holiday eating, lots of presents and good times with family and friends. I cherish that time, but by the end of December, I crave normalcy. I am ready to get back to our routine. I am ready to take down the decorations, and put away the presents. I am even ready to eat healthy for a while! I love the Christmas season, but I love starting a new year too!

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