Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy January

I am going to ignore the fact that I have not posted since October, and just jump right into January. It is that time of year again, when I want to change everything in my life, from the state of my cabinets and closets to the state of my body. I wanted to get it in writing (or typing) so that I will remember! This year, I am including a couple of things that involve my own personal interests, which I often push to the bottom of the priorities.

Kim's 2011 Tweaks/Projects

Read through the Bible -- Our church is doing it together, so I am hopeful that will make it easier!

Attend church more-- I am always at the church building on Sunday mornings, but a majority of the Sundays I have spent working with the children. I want to be more balanced this year.

Lose twenty pounds-- That makes the list every year!!!

Dust off the treadmill and use it three times a week.

Have a garden again this year, and kick it up a notch (which probably means weed more).

Create a small herb garden in the back yard.

Learn to knit-- I bought a cheap kit at Walmart, and I am on my way.

Learn how to use my sewing machine -- I have had it four years, so it is time...

Finish Eli's first year scrapbook -- That will give him one less thing to talk about in counseling when he is thirty...

Scrapbook our Disney trip.

Get back to blogging -- I don't want to forget this precious time of our life.

Give all of our cabinets, drawers and closets a once over (that should be a monthly goal, but here we are...)

Redo Eli's room-- We have not changed a thing since we moved in. It is mint green and there are still flowers hanging from the ceiling. It does not match his personality!

Start painting the trim in our house. The people who built the house and lived here first were not so much into finishing touches...

Travel Hopes--
Travel to Colorado to see Wes and Rebecca.
Travel to Louisiana to see Baton Rouge friends.
See the Stuarts when they visit from the other side of the world.
Go on a weekend trip with some homeschool friends.
Get away for a night with Mark.
Spend time in East Tennessee.
Explore the great state of Arkansas.

Wow, it sounds like I am going to be busy! Have a wonderful 2011!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, greetings from Finland. Your blog caught my eye, as you said that the beginning of the year is the time to dust the cabinets and yourself. I always have the same feeling. I wish you success with your list - remember to have mercy on yourself, too. I remember what it was like when all my 4 kids were small. God Bless!