Friday, January 21, 2011

Living the Dream

I was flipping through my calendar one day this week, contemplating the upcoming year. I started to panic a little bit when I thought about the fact that I will be turning forty this year. For so many years, that seemed so old! Now, as it is quickly approaching, it does not feel old at all. Sometimes, age twenty just seems like a few days ago. I have heard it said that the days drag and the years fly, and that pretty much sums up my concept of time these days.

I started to worry a bit that my life is passing by too quickly. I also began to think a bit about what I want to accomplish during my short time here on Earth. In the midst of my stress, it dawned on me that I am truly living my dream life. That is not to say that my life is perfect, it is just that I am truly doing what I have always wanted to do. For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of being a wife and mommy, and here I am living the dream. God has truly blessed me, and I am so very thankful!

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