Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Summer Bucket List

Today is the first "official" day of summer.  Our school summer vacation started several weeks ago, and it seems to be going by way too quickly!  We usually "tiptoe" back into school around the second or third week of July with one or two subjects, and then jump all the way in by August 1.

I got the idea of a "Summer Bucket List" from a blog that I read everyday, and I decided to jot one down as well.  There are several things I wanted to do before school starts, and if I am not more intentional, I am not going to get them done.  Some things are fun, others, I will just be happy they are done!  So, here goes --

For Me--
1.  Read lots of books—to myself, just for fun.
2.  Declutter the house from top to bottom—one room at a time.  I did some of this in May, but it needs it again!
3.  Arrange for piano lessons for the fall for Isaac, Bailey and Olivia 
4.  Organize my school stuff for the fall
5.  Continue painting the trim in our house—that we never noticed was not already painted when we bought the house.
6.  Organize my master bedroom closet.
7.  Go on a date with Mark.  We went out for our anniversary last week, and I am ready to go again!

For the Family--
1.  Go to the library every week.
2.  Go swimming twice a week as much as possible.
3.  Make more homemade popsicles with the kids several times—Olivia has been asking me about this one.  So far, we made two batches of “Old Fashioned Vanilla” that were yummy.
4.  Make a huge batch of playdough.
5. Make homemade ice cream.  Isaac has been requesting this one!
6.  Spend a morning washing the car—with lots of wet kids when we are done!
7.  Go geocaching!
8.  Go bowling.  I think a friend of ours is doing this for a birthday party, so this one should be easy!
9.  Go to Daylight Donuts for breakfast!
10.  Make homemade bubbles.
11.  Have a sewing day with the girls.
12.  Watch the city fireworks show on the 4th of July.
13.  Finish memorizing Psalm 1.
14.  Make sidewalk paint.
15.  Make banana splits!
16.  Go to a drive-in movie theater!  We did this last week!  It was a lot of fun!
17.  Find a creek to splash in.
18.  Go stargazing.
19. Have family devotions twice a week-- this one is hard in the summer!
20.  Go on a day trip to somewhere new!

I will check back in later to update how we are doing!

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