Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Bailey!

 Bailey and her new gadget!

 Bailey was holding her purse up to try to block Eli.  She said he was bugging her to death!

Our Bailey-Girl turned ten yesterday!  I am not quite sure how it happened-- it seems like she skipped some years in there somewhere!

She is having some friends over for a scrapbooking birthday celebration next week, so we celebrated as a family last night.  She got to choose the restaurant, and she went with a Chinese buffet.  She followed that up with a visit to Hastings bookstore.  We then headed home for some dessert.  Bailey made her own cake.  She will have a traditional cake next week, so for a bit of variety, she made an ice cream sandwich cake.  It was delicious!

Back at the beginning of the year, Bailey asked for a DSi for her birthday (she likes to plan ahead!).  That is more than we normally spend for a birthday, so I told her that she would need to read twenty-five chapter books to help earn it.  She is part bookworm, so she got right on it.  She is thrilled with her new gadget!

Bailey is truly a joy and I thank God for letting me be her Mom!  I look forward to watching her continue to blossom!

***Technical difficulties--I can not figure out why part of the text has a white background.  GRRRR!***

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