Friday, January 30, 2009

Grocery Challenge Update

I went to Publix yesterday to take advantage of their Superbowl sales. This was a great week to replenish my snack stash that is in my closet. We take a finger food to our small group every Sunday night. Sometimes I make something, but it is nice to be able to grab something when I decide to take a nap (I think that Sunday afternoon must mean nap time in some language)!

I bought:
pita chips (2 bags)
Chex Mix (10 bags)
Cheerios Snack Mix (2 bags)
Triscuits (6 boxes) (The children like these with cheese or humus for lunch.)
Wheat Thins (2 boxes)
Diced tomatoes (4 cans)
Humus (2)
Granola Bars (4 boxes) (Mark takes these for lunch.)
Frozen Hash browns (2 bags) -- This was the only thing not on sale. I paid $3.00 a bag -- ouch!

My total was $98.36. After sales and coupons, I paid $30.74. That leaves $448.64 in my Grocery Challenge Fund.

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