Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Grocery Challenge Update

Well, I have made several trips to the grocery store since I last updated.

--I rarely go to Southern Family Market, but they had their meat on sale last week. I try not to spend more than two dollars a pound on meat, and they had boneless pork loin, hamburger and pot roast for less than two dollars a pound. I spent about $3o on meat, and I was able to make: 3 meals of taco meat, 3 meals of taco soup, 3 meals of pork chops, and 5 meals of beef stew or stroganoff. My freezer is stocked with meat!

-- I finally ran out of diapers from Eli's diaper shower. We were blessed to go almost four months without buying diapers or wipes for him. We still have enough wipes to go a few more months. I bought some Publix brand diapers for him last week. I ended up going to Walmart on our trip to buy Pampers. The generic brand did not cut it for him. Some things are worth paying a little bit more for!

-- I have also made a few trips to the store for milk, produce, and over the counter cold medicine and Tylenol.

So, I now have $284 left in my February grocery budget. I am trying to "reduce inventory" in my freezer and pantry. Since there may be a move in our near future, I would like to use up some of my stock pile so that we do not have to move it. Maybe I will end up with a few dollars left over -- that has never happened before!

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