Monday, March 23, 2009

On the Market!

My sweet Mom came for a visit last week and we had "clean out the house boot camp!" Mom is a great cleaner and organizer, so we accomplished a lot. We took turns taking care of Eli and meeting the needs of the other four, while the other one worked on our detailed to do list. We packed away some of the toys and moved quite a bit of them into the garage. I decided that most house hunters do not care how neat the garage is, so the children have been playing with the toys out there. We also mulched the flower beds and cleaned up the back yard. It was an exhausting week, but it feels wonderful to have it all done!

Mom left on Friday morning, and the for sale sign went in the front yard a couple of hours later. The house was not officially in the computer until Saturday afternoon, but someone called to see on Saturday morning. I am praying that it sells soon!

We are now in "the house must be perfect whenever we leave" mode. That is a big pain when we are walking out the door, but a blessing when we walk back in. It is so nice to come home to a clean house! If only it could magically look like this on an everyday basis!

The movers are coming to pack our stuff two weeks from today. I think that I am still a bit numb from all that is happening. I am thankful that God is in control and I am just along for the ride!

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