Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stomach Virus, Day 5

Stomach viruses are never fun, especially when lots of children are involved. This particular virus has been more long lasting than most that we have endured. Our whole family has had symptoms, some worse than others. Eli has been hit the hardest and the longest. He started showing symptoms on Wednesday, and is still dealing with it. It has wreaked havoc on his little system. Thankfully, we have been able to keep him hydrated, and he still has some energy left.

We are all ready for this to be done! A secondary virus has set in -- Cabin Fever! So far, I have skipped a lunch play date, a girls' night out, church, and two baby showers. The outlook for tomorrow's homeschool co-op is not good either! It is probably good for us to slow down for a few days, and spend time together at home.

I have kicked the natural cleaners to the curb for a day or two, and the smell of Pine Sol fills the air. I am not sure how many of the germs are gone, but the house smells clean! I needed to blog about this so that I can look back and be thankful for good health, when the last of this virus is gone!

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