Friday, October 17, 2008

Eli's Birth

We arrived at the hospital at 6:00 on Monday morning for Eli's induction. It was very strange to walk into the hospital to have a baby and not be in pain and begging for an epidural. It took a couple of hours to get the paperwork and lab work finished. I started having regular contractions on my own that were about three and a half minutes apart. It was reassuring to know that we would have been heading to the hospital that day anyway!

I got an epidural around 8:30 (I love epidurals -- hats off to the natural child birth ladies!), and then the nurse started the Pitocin. Dr. Wheeler came in and broke my water about an hour later. A little after 11:00, it was time for the action to start. We did a few practice pushes, and then I had to stop and wait for the doctor to arrive. The nurse could tell that Eli was a bit on the big side, and she wanted to doctor to be there! Dr. Wheeler came in and things got intense for a few minutes when we got to Eli's shoulders. The doctor said that if he had been any bigger we probably would have needed a cesarean section at that point. I am VERY thankful that it was not needed!

Since we induced at 37 weeks, Mark and I both thought that he would be around nine pounds. When Eli was born, the nurse looked at him and said, "This is NOT a nine pound baby." Everyone in the room was shocked when the nurse placed him on the scale and he weighed a little over twelve pounds. Until that point, Olivia had been our biggest at eleven pounds. Dr. Wheeler and I had agreed at my first doctor's visit that we wanted her to remain the biggest, but that did not happen. I am so thankful that the delivery went so well. Praise God!

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