Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Anna Grace

Anna Grace celebrated her sixth birthday on February 2. Where has the time gone? How can she possibly be six?

We had a party a few days before her actual birthday. She wanted to have some friends over for lunch. For the menu, she chose cheese balls, Combos, chips, pink dip, hot dogs, taco soup and cake and ice cream. She wanted to decorate her own cake (with a little help from Mom) and she was very happy with the results! She had lots of fun with her friends.

Anna Grace has been asking for a Nintendo DSi for a while now. I told her that if she would read fifty books, we would buy her one for her birthday (with some help from Mamaw). She finished reading her fiftieth book the day before her birthday. She is thrilled with her new pink toy!

Anna Grace chose to go to a Mexican restaurant on her birthday. She wanted rice, beans and a burrito, with chips and salsa, of course!

Happy Birthday Anna Grace. You are a gift from God!

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