Monday, February 13, 2012

Seeds Family Worship

I started a memory verse program at church last year. I wanted to encourage my children to memorize scripture, and I thought that offering fun incentives would make it more exciting. I assigned two verses each month, as well as a passage of scripture to read each week. I offered to pay the children "Kingdom Bucks" for each verse they memorized. I opened up a "Kingdom Kids" store every month or two to allow them to spend their money.

The first year went OK. Not everyone participated, and those that did often waited to the last minute (our family included). There were many Saturday nights that I was trying to stuff the verses into my children's heads! I knew that was not the best way for them to retain God's Word! I started to wonder if the program was worth it.

Then, I stumbled upon the Seeds Family Worship ministry this past summer, and I was really impressed! They take memory verses from the NIV and set them to music. Now, I know this is not a new concept. We have had several of these type of CDs over the years. The Seeds CDs, however, had more appeal to my children and me. They have a modern sound similar to what you would hear on Christian radio.

So, I changed up our Kingdom Kids program a bit in the fall. I took verses from the worship CDs and assigned those for the memory work. My kids knew them all within a couple of weeks of listening to them in the car. Every family at church received Volume 1 one of the CDs to listen to, and the whole program has gone a bit more smoothly. We are about to start on volume two next month. I highly recommend these CDs as a way to help hide God's word in your heart!

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