Monday, June 8, 2009

What We've Been Doing (WWBD) Part 1 -- Visiting

We have been doing a lot of visiting the past two months. My parents came the weekend we moved in, and Mark's mom came a few days later. They blessed us so much by helping us get settled in.

We made a trip to Baton Rouge on Memorial Day Weekend, and had a great time visiting with a lot of dear friends. We were able to catch a baseball game (no pun intended), have an informal birthday celebration with Olivia's friend Hudson, have dinner with special friends, go to church and see the amazing changes they have made in the children's' facilities, eat at On the Border (yum), celebrate Memorial day with dear friends, and spend time relaxing at the Morris' "retreat center" swimming and fishing. We stayed up too late, ate too much, laughed a lot and visited a bunch. Our time in Baton Rouge never seems to be enough to get to see everyone that we love!

A few days after arriving home from our trip, the Callahans (friends from Baton Rouge) came for a visit. It was great to get to see them two weekends in a row! The children had a great time playing, and Mark and I loved visiting with our dear friends!

The day after they left, my parents came for a long weekend visit. It was a blessing to have them here! I loved being with them, and they were a huge help! Mom did all of my laundry while she was here (that is no easy task), and Dad helped my tremendously in the flower beds. I missed them the moment they left!

We are now on "regular schedule" for a few weeks before we head to Tennessee to visit our family. I am so thankful for the blessing of friends and family!

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